Sunday, March 30, 2014

USCE (US clinical experinence),Observership and Externship List for IMGs

          "The doctor may also learn more about the illness from the way the patient tells the story than from the story itself. "    ~James B. Herrick
Here  is the State by State List of Observership and Externship Opportunities. Its incomplete and I am still working on it. Please leave information about additional opportunities in comments section. 


City: Weston

Cleveland Clinic Florida 
Specialty: Cardiology, Colorectal Surgery, Critical Care, Breast Surgery,             Endocrinology, Family Practice, Gastroenterology, General Surgery


City: Chicago

 University of Illinois, College of Medicine at Chicago 
Specialty: Neurosurgery


City: Cleveland

 Cleveland Clinic
Specialty: Multiple Specialties

City: Toledo

 Mercy St Vincent Medical Center 
 Specialty: Internal Medicine

City: Youngstown

Western Reserve Health Education (North Side Medical Center)


City: Omaha

University of Nebraska Medical Center


City: New York

Beth Israel Medical Center

Columbia University /New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH)
Specialty: Neurology
Cornell University 
Specialty: Pediatrics
Long Island College Hospital
Specialty Internal Medicine

 Mount Sinai Medical Center 
 Specialty: Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, Pathology/lab Med
 SUNY Downstate Medical Center

City: Syracuse

SUNY Upstate Medical University
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Hematology / Oncology  Geriatrics, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Pulm/Critical care  Rheumatology


City: Bismarck

University of North Dakota Center For Family Medicine
Specialty: Family Medicine
(Requirements: Significant connection to local community, Should have applied through ERAS, be eligible for ND medical license)


City: Philadelphia

Thomas Jefferson University 
Specialty: InPatient internal Medicine


City: Houston

 University of Texas Houston
 Specialty: Internal Medicine

University of Texas Houston
Specialty: Psychiatry

Also Check this LIST. It has more programs



Desos said...

Hi Dr US,
Thanks for your response. I,m excited to join this trend. I am an IMG working as a medical assistant in an outpatient cardiology office which gives me the opportunity to interract with patients, take history, Order entry, EMR, performing stress testing for patients. Can this in any way be considered as a USCE? Thanks For your sincere response.

Anonymous said...

Wow thank you for this! You really are a big source of info =)

Anonymous said...

Question: are USCEs helpful in building your residency application for US IMGs as well?

dr SK said...

Sure, Why not, It should be helpful for US IMGs as well

Anonymous said...

Please scratch Jefferson University from your list...
here's what their website says:

Observership Policy
Due to team size regulations and in order to preserve the educational integrity of our residents and students, we will no longer be offering obseverships in the Department of Medicine. Thank you.

medical externship said...

Thanks, It's really a good list. A great opportunity to learn about observership and externship. Keep posting !

Anonymous said...

does humanitarian work at international organization like doctors beyond borders carry any benifit in securing residency position.


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